Sunday, 27 January 2008

Putney to Hammersmith and back - 4.31 miles

Mr. Ali and I managed to start off our London treks. For our first jaunt, we started off at Putney Bridge tube station, and made our way along the river towards Hammersmith Bridge, and kept going till we reached Barnes. Then we looped back across the bridge and traced our way back on the opposite bank.

Our walk led us past hundred year old pubs, old boat houses, striking bridge follies and beautiful old riverside houses. Rowboats lurched past every few minutes as the sun burnt gold lower and lower into the water. It was dark by the time we rounded up back to Putney Bridge. My eyes could hardly make out shadow from form.





I need to invest in a tripod. The long exposures tended to be blurred due to camera shake. And there isn't always a bench or rock I can lean on.