I spoke with Asad from Project Enlighten the other day about their efforts over in Burma. Apart from some exciting developments in the pipeline (more scholarships and sustainable programmes), he also forwarded me some reports on how the monies were spent.
I don't know about you but when I think about the goal of $1000, I kinda feel it really isn't that much even though it's taking a while to accumulate. It's hard to imagine what kind of difference it would really make.
I feel pretty humbled and moved when I saw their spreadsheets.
Tinned fish. Cooking oil. Instant noodles. Rice. Blankets. The basic fundamentals to survive.
The road to rebuilding is long. Thankfully, they're getting started. They're also building wells so the villages have access to clean water.
The good thing about walking is it teaches you, the longer you walk, the longer you can walk. That's definitely useful when there's quite a way to go!