Saturday, 21 February 2009

Harlow Circular - 8.1 miles

Due to various delays caused by the weather, it was only this week that we finally got out of London for a walk. We took it nice and easy with a low level walk that wasn't too long in distance. We took a train from Liverpool Street to Harlow, which is 30 minutes away. We had timed it right, it was pretty glorious weather.


Although walking around London affords its own pleasures, being out in the country was a relief and also a different source of amusement. Out in the crisp air, we encountered the oddest concrete contraption in the middle of the field. Despite GPS and other newfangled iPhone applications, we still had no idea what this was.

Fields stretched in all directions. It put me in a Yellow Earth mood, which you'll see in the way I've framed some of the photos today.

As we climbed into a field, we met the largest pony in the world. It was really cute, with a shaggy mane, oversized hooves and tail. Perhaps it's a horse, but it looks like a pony - a giant pony.

It doesn't look as big in this picture as Ali's fairly tall. But when it got excited and clomped towards me, I did start to quake. It was a whole head and mane taller than I am. Sorry, folks, all those pictures were blurry.

This field of corn made me feel quite optimistic that spring is around the corner.


We had a North By Northwest moment around this bend of the track. From a distance, Phil asked, "Is that tractor moving?" We weren't sure. But soon, it bore down and was almost on top of us.

Running in mud = splashes.

All we need is that pony to be in this next photo.


The pleasures of the countryside include clean, crisp air, pretty landscapes and the reassuring squelch of mud. Although the sun was brightly shining, as we crossed meadows and fields, we sank ankle deep into swampy, marshy sections.

I love my boots so much. It's miraculous the way water rises up to my ankles but my socks and feet remain dry.

"What is that?" asked Phil. It was a curious shape for a plane.

Round a corner, we stumbled across Hunsdon Airfield, a former Second World War RAF base, now used for light aircraft.

Those airplanes look like Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.




After a nice sit-down, we started up again. By this time, we were starving. We'd wandered into Hunsdon as advised by the walking guide. Unfortunately, Hunsdon has two pubs. One did not serve food and the other did not serve us. The lady gave us a look and pretty much turned us out.


I remembered I had a small packet of mango and melon strips in my bag. Unfortunately, my hands were shaking and the wet slices were slippery - all but one strip slid through my fingers and straight into the mud. Phil started laughing.


Would have been good if there were pies indeed.


It was at least 4pm when we finally found food at the Plume of Feathers pub. The friendly service more than made up for the simple fare.

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Bow to Angel - 6 miles

It's been a challenge to kickstart walks for this new year. There were plans for a trip out to Harlow for a country walk but that was shelved due to weather and scheduling issues.

But if we can't get out of the city to enjoy the beauty of the countryside, we should embrace the city and all its grittiness.

We started off early this Sunday morning. After some mild confusion as to which Bow station we were meant to meet, we went in search of the path down to canal side.


Eastside, the views around the canal are fairly urban and grotty. We followed the curve past warehouses, old docks and disused shacks. It was pretty odd to spot oast houses in the area.

It was early, but already, the canal path was crowded. Walkers, dogs, runner and cyclists streamed past in various speeds and gaits. It always struck me as fairly reckless the way cyclists would speed across the path, trusting in walkers to get out of the way in time. Yo, some of us are half-asleep until we've had a gallon of coffee.

I'm still holding out for a walk where some lycra-bodied wheeler will tumble in and make a huge splash.


At one point, it was pretty funny. Two women carting large brown crates on their bikes were trying to get through the path under one of the bridges. The crates were a little too large for them to walk through upright with the bikes. They had to tip them at a strange angle, balanced against the bikes and edge their way past without falling in. We did offer to help but were waved away, so we watched their maneuvers with interest and mild amusement. .


The canal bridges were also covered with graffiti, some tagged by more famous artists than others.


We arrived at Angel in time for hot coffee and pastries.