I've got a bit behind on posting as things got really busy suddenly. All of a sudden, I've got a backlog of stuff to blog, receipts to file, stuff to get back to people about.
I was really looking forward to this particular jaunt as it started at the monumentally historical site of Battle. The most ignorant yokel in Britain will at least have heard of 1066, the Battle of Hastings, which many refer to as a major turning point in English history.
As the ol' story goes, when Edward the Confessor died, he named Harold as his successor, even though he might have promised his crown to a distant cousin, William of Normandy. Harold was King briefly, until William arrived, and after a bloody battle at Hastings, Harold famously took one in the eye and William hereafter became known as William the Conqueror.
The battlefield itself wasn't very large. We spent a couple of pleasant hours walking around, listening to the historical retelling of the battle. It was exciting stuff, complete with a combat analysis of how the battle was won.
After the battle was won, William built an Abbey near the site to atone for the many deaths.
What took me by surprise was the slant of the tale. According to the English Heritage Trust, Harold was handsome, dashing very brave and loved. William was ambitious, bullied and just kinda smart. There was undeniable regret in the storytelling voice that the course of Saxon history had changed forever.
You'd think after all this time, what was done, done, and what became, is, and that event is part of all there is at this moment. After all, the great English Heritage castles were built on the command of William, as outposts to guard the land.
In character of the day, we stopped to catch a demonstration of falconry before we left the site.
Check out this owl doing the Exorcist. What a hoot!
We had a quick lunch at the pub, but were eager to get a move on the walk as it was already 2pm when we got moving.
We quickly entered a forest, and it was a relief to get away from the more inhabited tourist areas.
We soon emerged to cross a series of fields, which led us across valleys and hills.
Through a gate, we went...
As we went deeper into the afternoon, the countryside took on a slightly unreal quality..
In a large wide field, a herd of cows crowded together head to head, as if working up a conspiracy...
As we turned around a large clump of bushes, we were startled to encounter three cows hiding behind a shrubbery. What the...it got a little Greg Larson...
Since we didn't get going till rather late, the sun began to sink, and we got that lovely quality of light which happens just before the sun sets.
We ran into a little babe...
and a swan right out of a scene from Hans Christian Andersen..
And all too quickly, the sun went down in a blaze of glory.
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